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Nipple appearance after heat cycle

19 10:04:34

My 9 month Boerboel just went through her first heat cycle.  How long after she stops bleeding can I expect her nipples and vagina to remain slightly enlarged?  Is she at any risk around males while they are still enlarged or is she clear after the bleeding stops?


Hi Katie,

The nipples on a female who has not yet had her first heat are quite small, but they swell with the first heat and never return to "puppy size".

If your dog wasn't bred, and isn't pregnant, it's possible your dog is experiencing a "False Pregnancy". This can occur after a heat cycle, especially first ones. False pregnancy usually will resolve on its own after 30 days or so following a heat cycle. If it persists, or is accompanied by anything else (other than a slightly enlarged abdomen), contact your veterinarian. Dogs that have these are at risk for it to happen again, so you might want to have your dog spayed if this is the case. You can read more about false pregnancies here:

Best of luck,