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my yellow lab

19 13:50:50

I have a two year old yellow lab.  I have noticed the last couple of weeks that my choc. lab has been licking my yellow labs ears.  When I checked his ears the seem to covered in these little black things, about the size of a pin head.  When I touch his ears it does not bother him.  I have tried taking some of the black things off and it looks like dirt.  This black stuff is mostly closest to his head on his ear.  His behavior is fine, appetite fine, energy level normal, bm's and urine normal.  Might you know what this is and what can be done about it?

Hi Rebyka,  It sounds like your lab has ear mites if the stuff is actually in the ear.  If it is on the outside of the ear, then it is dried blood from fly bites.  If it is ear mites, it can be passed to the other dog, so you will want to clean their ears and apply ear mite medication (you can purchase it at pet stores) to both dogs ears.  If it is on the outside of the ear and is from fly bites, you will want to scrub off the dried blood, and put come Flys Off cream on the ear to prevent the flies from coming back.  Hope this helps,
