Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > my dog is very sick cannot afford a vet

my dog is very sick cannot afford a vet

19 11:13:15

my 2 year old dog that weights about 4 lbs. started throwing up occasionally 1 week ago something like white Flemish or foamy substance and then when she ate she threw up her food started yesterday and diarrhea, today she hardly gets up and the diarrhea turned into bleeding from her rectum.  What can I do?  Is there anything that could be done at home.  Animal hospitals are just so expensive.  I do not want her to die she is my best friend.

Expensive or not, if you don't get her into a veterinarian, you could well lose her! She is probably dehydrating by now, and needs sub-Q fluids and other care that you just cannot give at home. Make arrangements with your vet to pay him a bit each month; most are willing to do that if you ask.

Never feed a dog that is already vomiting; it will just make it worse.