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What kind of dog is compatible with a mini beagle

19 13:48:57

What kind of dog is compatible with a mini beagle

Hi Al;
I have never found that any breeds make better companions for other breeds.
A Jack Russell Terrier with all their energy might drive a bloodhound crazy, but if they like each other, and both like to play, or both kike to take it easy, they will get along.
I have not heard of Mini Beagles before.
Has someone miniatured that breed now, or do you just mean it is a small Beagle?
Beagles like to roam, so a dog that likes to play like that would be good.
We had a little Beagle once, and she liked to play with cats better than other dogs.LOl
She would get out of our fenced yard ( escape artist deluxe), and go to a creek about a mile from out house. there were woods there, and she would find skinks to play with. No, tomato juice DOES NOT get that scent out.LOl
How old is your dog?
I am assuming it lives in the house with the family?
I have also found that more than one male or more them one female or a mix of both works just as well.
Training and the attention they get it what determines more how they get along.
I simply do not tollerate fighting, I didn't in my children, and I don't in my animals.
Training does it so that nobody has to be the bad guy and yell.
Spay or neuter ALWAYS!
Besides preventing litters that end up as strays down the line, it is better for their health, and spaying and neutering when they are young, before they have been mated, actually prolongs their life span.
I say, get whatever kind of other breed YOU want to have one of, and introduce them easily, and let them get aquainted, train them in obedience well, and spay
/neuter.Treat them both with love, equally.
Just like you would teach two children to get along.
I have 4 dogs at the present, and will have them as long as they live. they each were rescue dogs, and came to us at different ages. We had to have them all neutered ( all four we have now are males).
They range in age from 9 years old to 1-1/2 years old. One is a :hasa mix, one is a purebred Sheltie, one is an australian Shepherd/? mix, and the other is an Australian Shepherd/Huskie mix.
That pretty well spand to differences in breeds, as far as temperment goes.
They will growl and fuss some, but they all four know they are NOT allowed to bit or carry it past the fussing stage.
When they all four get into a romp in the house( usually in the house, out the doggy door and back in again), it is like a zoo in here.
We thoroughly enjoy them.
I always have more than one animal. I have had cats and dog mixes too. They all have always acted like they are all family members, and get along lovingly.
Just get the two you think of putting together, prefferbly on neutral ground first, and see how they take to each other.