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english bulldog

19 9:40:37

Hello i have a 6 month old english bulldog i just got her 2 weeks ago and she has rash and skin loss i got her bulldog food don't know a whole lot about these breeds if you could help me with information please let me know thank you .


Hi Israel,

Congratulations on getting a dog!

You didn't say if your dog is scratching or chewing at the rash. The rash on your dog's belly can be caused from many different things, ranging from a an allergy,  bacterial or yeast skin infection, infected hair follicles (Folliculitis), eczema or seborrhea, a reaction to parasites such as fleas or mites (you might not actually see either on your dog), or a sign of a thyroid disorder, just to name a few possibilities. Some skin conditions are recurrent, and controlling rather than curing is the best you can hope for.

Treatments will vary, so you need to have a vet examine your dog. Skin problems can be difficult to treat, more than one treatment might be needed before you hit on the treatment that works. You should not put off having your dog examined. It's much easier (and cheaper) to clear up a simple condition, than it is to wait and deal with a complex condition.

Until your dog is seen by your vet, wash the rash area daily. Use cool water if the area has been itching your dog (cool is more soothing to an itch). Use an antibacterial soap, and be sure to dry the area well. If your dog will allow it, use a hair drier to dry the area. If the area is itching your dog, rubbing with a towel will aggravate the itch.

You didn't say which food you're currently using. If you'd like to get back to me with that info I can suggest dog foods to consider. Many times dogs with skin disorders and rashes need a special dog food diet to boost the immune system. A good rule of thumb is to buy the best dog food you can afford, but some dogs need a diet that is more specialized. There are several really good hypoallergenic diets I can recommend, but first you need to have your dog diagnosed.   If you plan on changing foods, do so gradually over a period of 5-7 days. Changing a dog's food too quickly can cause an upset stomach or diarrhea.

I hope I've been a help.
Best of luck,