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Just adopted, need help!

19 9:40:37

I don't know if this falls into the medical or behavioral category, but I thought if it's the latter you would be the expert!  I just adopted a lovely 4 (ish) year old female lab x heeler/ rotwieler from the SPCA about 48 hours ago.  In many  ways she has been settling in great. She is very responsive to commands and is re learning to walk on a leash. My only concern is that she has not urinated since we brought her home.  The person that fostered her said that she was very regular and urinated just once a day, having 2 bowel movements a day.  She has had one bowel movement a day since we brought her home.  Is there any way to help her feel more comfortable urinating in her new territory?  Do you have any advice for my situation as someone who is experienced with rescue dogs?  
Thank you so much for being available for this service!

This is actually a rather common problem,and it can take up to four days for them not to go to the bathroom at all,and possibly longer if the dog hasn't eaten or drank anything. This is just part of the dog settling in,the best way is to just give her time and take her out often and when she goes praise her for the first few times and then she will get the hang of it