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shitzu biting and licking

19 13:42:10

My shitzu is almost two years old and is consistantly licking or biting himself.  I've taken him to a vet last year when he had a flea problems on his rump, but I just had him checked out and he is clean.  He is current on all his shots and the groomer said it may just be

Hi Teresa :-)

Because your Dog is licking and biting himself so much, it sounds like you need to purchase a cone to put over your Dogs head which will stop him from biting/licking himself.

Has your Dog recently been treated for Fleas? If you have purchased Pet Store Flea Treatment, then its most likely Fleas and not a allergy.

If you notice every time your Dog goes to the groomer he comes home licking and biting or within a few days of going to the groomer this occurs then I would sincerely believe your Dog is allergic to the shampoo the groomer is using. My Dog has this problem too.

In this case you will need to tell your groomer not to use than shampoo on him and to use a shampoo with a non-perfumed content to avoid allergic reaction and irritation.

Or alternatively, speak to your Vet about them prescribing a shampoo you can use to wash your Dog with and also prescribing some antihistamines on your Dog to help with allergic reactions.

Take care and all the best and please leave me a comment.

Trisha x