Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > 9 month old Chihuahua

9 month old Chihuahua

19 14:04:35

My Vet said my new Chi, 9 months old has a baby tooth that has not come out and it is slightly infected around it. It is loose, It does not look bad. it will cost a lot of money for him to put her to sleep and pull it.  Would it be wrong for me to help loosen it more and get it out? Do their baby teeth have roots? Money is a problem here. My other Chihuahua just have knee surgery. I have pain medication I could use on her that my other Chi. had. Just use a lower amount.
                Bless you for wanting to help with questions.

HI Arlene!

I don't see anything wrong with helping it along.  Give her some hard things to chew on, like chew bones and treats, it might help loosen it.  If you can manually loosen it, go for it.  I wouldn't give her any pain meds though, as you don't want to overdose her accidentally.  I doubt she will need any anyway. When a vet pulls their teeth, he doesn't give any pain meds when they go home.  Just kinda work with it and give her hard stuff to chew on and it may come out on its own.

God Bless,