Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > convlsions


19 14:18:56

My one year old half akita half? whent up stair and layed on our bed. Bed is about 4feet off the ground. We heard something brake (the lamp). Then the sound of our dog going into a convlsion. We ran up stairs, he was in a full con. with foaming and eyes rolled back pissing every where.. We thought we lost him. There is a lamp pluged in , we thought he must have electriced him self, by bitting thru or some thing.. He recoverd and all ways ok, untill tonight.About 10 days later. Again out of sight up stairs on our high bed he had another. Same as before , a full blown like grand mal convelsion. No other signs. Never here down below, always on the high bed. Any ideas? Limited income..We will save and take him to vet. I hear very hard and exspensive to truley understand.. Thank you for your time.

Hi, yes it does sound like your dog might have epilepsy.  Believe it or not it tends to come out in dogs around a year to a year and a half of age.  A lot of times dogs can feel a seizure coming on and will go where they feel secure right before having a seizure.  You should start documenting when & where the dog has seizures and how long they last.  Also documenting all the symptoms will help the vet to give you the right type and dosage of medication to keep it under control.  Whatever you do, don't ever hold the dog down when in the convulsion, and try and put pillows around him when he is convulsing if he is in danager of hitting anything.  Hope this helps a little, and good luck.
