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behavior of weimeraners

19 14:18:55

we rescued a 7 mo old weimeraner from the side of a highway 10 days ago. we have no knowledge of her past. question 1: when she is awake and active, she constantly needs to be next to you, touching you, or involved with what you are doing. when you walk, she walks in front of you and between your legs. when i'm standing, she walks between my legs and stands there. when i work at the computer, she climbs up on the chair behind me and leans into me. i've had dogs all my life but i don't remember them needing to be against me or between my legs like this - is this normal for the breed? is this a behavioral issue that i can help her with? is she trying to tell me something?  question 2: we had 3 wetting accidents during the first 2 days we had her in our home but i think she was nervous. she has no problem during the night (for a solid 8 hours) and doesn't whine or get restless. her previous owner must have housebroken her. my husband has read books on puppy training and insists on taking her out every 2 hours. i'd like to wait longer and see if she gives me a signal. when i have her by myself for the day, i've tried to wait 4-5 hours to see if she'll do anything but she doesn't go to the door or scratch. and because she's constantly nudging me and all over me, i can't tell if and when it's because she wants to go out. 2 out of the 3 accidents she had in the beginning, she put her head between my legs and just squatted and peed without any warning (and she had peed within the past hour outside). how can i train the dog to alert me to her needs? is my husband actually hurting the process by taking her out so frequently?
any assistance you can give would be so greatly appreciated.  

Hi Laura,
Well, it sounds like you have typical weimy on your hands! Weim owners lovingly refer to their breed as velcro dogs! Weims are very owner oriented, where most dogs enjoy spending time with their owners, Weims actually seem to need to be with them, they don't do well in homes where they have to stay alone for long periods of time. Your little girl is feeling even more needy than usual because she has lost her previous owners or was abandoned by them, either way she is feeling a lot of insecurity. Her clingyness will most likely relax a bit in time, but she has apparently bonded to you...expect to never go to the restroom alone again! I highly recommend some basic obedience training, that should at least keep you from getting tripped when out walking. A helpful website for you would be all the members are weim owners, and they are very friendly and helpful.
Now, to address your second question:
Your husband is treating her more like a really young puppy when she is more of a pre-teen puppy.  She can easily go 8+ hours during the evening without having to go to the bathroom, and definitely at least 5-6 hours during the day.  I would take her out every 4-6 hours now during the day.  You should get her on a regular schedule, first thing in the morning, mid afternoon, dinner time & then bedtime for going out.  Depending on when you feed her, you should take her out within a half hour to an hour after feeding and get her active to get her going to the bathroom.  You will need to just watch her to see what her signal is to want to tell you that she has to go.  Some dogs start to sniff a lot, others actually start to circle.  You will just have to really pay attention to her to catch her signal.  Hope this all helps, and good luck.

Dawn & Donna (weimy expert :) )