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Beagle crate training

19 13:56:35

Dear Nancy,
I have a male beagle, one year old.  All of a sudden
he has started urinating in his crate.  He isn't in the crate any longer amount of time and nothing has changed in the household.  He only does this in the morning.  How long is too long to be in the crate overnite?  We got him when he was 4 months old and we haven't had much success in housebreaking, but he has never gone in the crate until recently.  I will try anything!  I don't know what else to try.
Thank You,

He might need to get out of the crate more and get more exercise.  He is a hunting dog with great stamina.   Put a backpack on him and weight it down with some water bottles and take him for a long walk.  after he goes to the bathroom pull him next to you and don't let him leave your side for the rest of the walk.  Keep reminding him with a lift up of the lead and a release of pressure that he must walk in a respectful manner.
Also check with a vet to see if he has a bladder infection.  When dogs are crated for too long a time they develop infections and then kidney problems.  The symptons can be excessive drinking and urination.   so have him checked

After he has been out, bring him in to walk around, but only in the room you are in.  Put him on a leash and attach the leash to your belt.  Do this for a couple of weeks correcting him when he even sniffs like he is looking to mark or urinate by pulling on the leash and saying no potty.   He should get better after all this.  He will be more bonded with you also