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Introducing A New Member

19 9:21:36

Recently we found an orphan kitten, about 7-8 weeks and we've been taking care of her. My friend, who's had several cats is currently keeping the little cat but she cannot keep her as her own for she already has 4 cats and 4 dogs. So I'm thinking of bringing her home with me, I grew fond of her. The problem is, I have a 3 year old American Cocker Spaniel who, well.. is socially impaired or so it seems. As he grew up as only-dog, he gets too excited with other dogs, I guess he never learned correct canine-etiquette. He is very friendly, very loving, and very playful (with humans at least). We neutered him when he was 1.5 yrs old, I don't know if he's territorial tendencies had already kicked in.
Once we brought in a kitten for a day and he seemed overly excited and interested. He kept sniffing him like crazy.. to the point that it bothered the kitten. Good thing is, Kacho (my dog) didn't attack him or think it was a toy. He just couldn't figure out what the fussball was.
What would be the best way to introduce this new kitten?

On the side, can my dog's inability to make dog-friends be corrected? Like I said, he gets very excited when he sees any other animal. In fact we have to keep the leash tight when we see another dog pass by, for my dog will try and go over with all his strength. And when we do let him approach any dog, while still holding the leash, he seems to make the other dog mad and usually ends up in aggressive behavior from both parts. I love my dog, but I seriously think he is socially-impaired.


Hi Vilma,

It may be an uphill battle to take a three year old dog that's known not to be "dog friendly", and make him tolerate dogs, but it can be done. You would get the best (and quickest) results in reconditioning Kacho to at least tolerate other dogs by enrolling in an obedience class. In the class, you will learn how to control your dog, and your dog will learn how to obey. Ask your vet's office or a local boarding kennel for a referral to a good class in your area.
Until Kacho can be trained out of his intolerance to other dogs, if you know he doesn't get along with other dogs to start with, you should be avoiding other dogs, and not even allow other dogs to approach him (even when Kacho's on the leash). These episodes teach your dog nothing, and like you said only ends with aggressive behavior, so what's the point?

There is a correct way to introduce a cat to a dog's home, you can read about it here:

As long as Kacho isn't aggressive with the kitten, allow him to sniff the kitten for as long as he wants to. If the kitten gets fed up, he'll either walk away or swat your dog. Both are acceptable, as your dog will see that it's not pleasant to get swatted, and will learn to leave the cat alone. Protecting your dog from this won't teach him any limits. For a good few months after bringing home the kitten, you should always supervise Kacho with the kitten. It may be helpful to keep your dog on his leash when he's in the house, as an easy way to quickly separate the two. Be sure to put the kitten's litter box in an area where Kacho can't get at it, or you will be getting help in cleaning out the litter.

Best of luck,
