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odd discolored fur

19 14:04:00

We have a miniature black lab/pit bull mix, she is 8 months old, and loves to rip things up.  We recently started muzzling her when she was alone so she couldnt destroy anymore furniture, she now has developed what looks to be tiny little pimples around her snout as well as some discoloration, her entire nose and surrounding fur is a dark brown which is weird because she is jet black.
I was just wondering what might be doing this to her nose, ive seen that you said that moisture can discolor the fur, but can it also bring upon those zits?

Any information would be much appreciated
Thank you very much

Muzzling her and leaving her unattended is not a good thing at all.  Be lucky she has not ripped her face apart trying to get the dang thing off her. I would guess she is drooling excessively because of the muzzle. That moisture will cause the fur to discolor and the irritation. She is going to rip things up...thats what puppies do...and she is still a pup at 8 months old. Instead of the muzzle,invest in a crate and put her in that during the day. Make sure she gets LOTS of excersise before you crate her. There are not many dogs in this world that can have the run of the house unattended. She is bored and will find something to do. Put some toys and a bone in her crate. Make sure it is big enough for her to stand without having to hang her head. She should be able to turn around and lay down comfortably in it. The bigger the better as she will still grow. Please get rid of the muzzle!