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dog throwing up

19 11:02:22

my  11 month old lab  has been throwing  up  what i think is  water with some  force ( you can see it comes out  of  the wire kennel) not  every  time usally when  left  over  2 hrs he seems  to  be  a very  calm puppy but  has  chewed  up his  bed  in  the  past...

Hi Vicki,

Vomiting has a myriad of causes. Isolated episodes of vomiting rarely are a cause for concern as long as the dog has an appetite and is bright and alert; most healthy dogs will, on occasion, vomit whole or partially digested food, grass, or foamy, clear liquid.

For dogs that have been vomiting only a short time, but have an appetite and are bright and alert, symptomatic treatment for one to three days is usually very effective. Typically in mild cases, food is withheld for 12- 24 hours, and then given a bland diet:

Because the vomiting only happens when your dog is left alone, it's possible that he experiences some separation anxiety when you're not able to be with him.

The behaviors associated with separation anxiety often occur within a short period of time after the animal is left alone, a unique feature which distinguishes separation anxiety from other behavioral disorders. Regularly vomiting in the absence of the owner is a symptom of separation anxiety.

You can read more about how to train your dog out of separation anxiety here:

Obviously if his symptoms should continue or worsen I would urge you to have your dog examined by your vet.

Best of luck,