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one and half year Lab eye sight

19 13:38:06

my one and half year Lab, black in colour, is suffering with dry skin and allergy from months baby. my Vet had given a course of treatment for 10 days but there is no cure. i used to visit Vet very often and he used to treat with injections and anti allergy drugs and antibiotics. now my dog lost its eye sight. Vet is telling that, may be the excessive exposure to the drugs, my Lab's sight is effected. is there is any chance to get back the sight of my Lab. please advise.  

Once a dog loses its eyesight, chances are that it will not come back. The exception might be cataracts, and surgery to remove them. You need to find a veterinarian opthalmologist so that your dog can be examined by a professional eye doctor and a proper evaluation of the problem can be made. Ask your veterinarian for a referral.
