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shihtzu born without a tail

19 9:48:20

We are looking into buying a shih tzu puppy that was born without a tail.  She is the only one in the litter of 5 born that way.  THe breeder is reputable and says the vet says the puppy is fine.  He is almost 6 months old.  I was wondering if you have heard of this and if there is anything to be concerned about before buying it.  

I answered this question  a few days ago,  I don't know why it is back here....I guess it didn't go through...sorry

Well it is ok, but you should have it put in writing that if there are any other mutation problems with the dog, the breeder will either pay or take the dog back.  The no tail is a mutation, (meaning it is off the standard).  No tail is not a problem, as long as there an no other unforeseen things going on.   Make her and her vet stand by that.