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Is it a bad idea to get a dog while you work all day?

19 10:00:25

Hi Melissa,

I am single, live alone in a condominium.  
I work all day nine to five.  I have only 4 to 5 hours after work at home. My building has quite many dogs and their owners are mostly retired.

My rabbit recently died after staying 10 years with me.  
It is an easy thing with a pet rabbit because they sleep most of the day time.  So my rabbit stayed in the cage when I left for work and I let her out when I got home after work.  Sometimes I let her out for the whole night even when I sleep at night.

Now that my rabbit is gone, I am thinking whether it will be a bad idea to get a dog.  My concern is that the dog will be home alone until I get home aftework.  In terms of health, is it a bad idea for the dog?  Will a dog be unhealthy in anyways because of this? Do you think it is a selfish idea to get a dog if I can only spend a few hours in the evening and the week-end with it? Would it be considered not humane at all? I admire people who can go out with their dogs all the time cause they are retired. I wonder if it is a bad idea for me to get a dog when sometimes I could only spend the week-end to play with it.

Appreciate your insight.    


Hello Lena;
I can tell you that a dog alone in an apartment is a difficult equation, it can work, but, it will take a lot of commitment on your part to spend "quality" time with your dog when you return from work!
I have had lots of customers in the past go this is our Society's reality.

But, here are some ideas to think about:

1) You will need to choose a small breed that does not require  a lot of exercise: Dachshunds, Papillons, Mini Poodles, Poms, Yorkies etc. are some small breeds that don't mind being in a structured inside area.

2) You will need a Crate to start your training for "Potty" and other "Obedience" work.

3) You will need an Exercise pen to make or corral the area to take your dog to "Potty".

4) You will need to walk your dog in a neighborhood, or park regularly after work, at least 3 times a week.

These are musts for sure...

Consider taking your dog to a "Class" for "Socialization" and or "Obedience" training, as you will not want the dog to learn how to become bored all day, and Bark!

The other option, is to get Two small dogs so that while you are gone, they will keep each other happy...that is always a nicer environment. But it will be extra work too!

So, I hope this gives you some ideas,
And, I know you may have more questions, so, feel free to contact me anytime for more help!!!

Keep dreaming, it can happen!
Please send a rating to the site when you get time, it would be most appreciated.

Best regards,