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How to contol sleep time

19 14:23:31

I have a labrador Retriver. It is a male at about 6 months of age. I have a problem with him getting up in the mornings when he chooses to wake up. I was wondering if there is a way to teach or train him to get up when I or choose to get up? Or will he grow out of that habbit while he gets older? If not, I will have to deal with it, which is not bad.


This is an unusual question.  Most dogs are early risers.  The younger ones especially need to relieve themselves the first thing in the morning.  I joke about never needing a wake up call when I am traveling with the dog.  You could try letting him sleep in a room where the sun comes in in the morning.  Of course, when the sun comes up varies with the season.  At 6 months you can cut him back to one meal.  Make it in the morning, and most Labs would be ready to get up.  I like feeding in the morning.  No matter what my schedule, I am usually home then.  It also usually results in earlier bowel movements so I don't have to worry about them if I take the dog somewhere in the evening.