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dog licking his bottom

19 11:38:07

My 2 year old lab is repeatedly licking at his anal opening or urinary. This started a few days ago. I did notice on our walks that she stops to urinate a few short times. Her bowel movements haven't been as regular either.
It is soooo hot right now and I know she is not a heat lover. (no air conditioing) Could this be the problem?
She seems to have the same appetite. She has never been a whiner, yet a coulpe times she has done so. I feel like she is trying to tell me something. Is there something I can do besides a vet bill??????

Hi Dotty,

Dogs lick under or around their tails for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common are:

Anal gland disease is one of the most common reasons a dog will lick under the tail. Dogs and cats have two anal glands (also called anal sacs) on each side of the anal opening. These can become impacted or infected. If they do, the pet will often lick the area to try to relieve the pressure in the glands. Some dogs will also 'scoot' along the floor when they have an anal gland problem.

Female animals will often lick the vulva area when they are in heat. They will also lick the area if they have a uterine infection (pyometra). Some female dogs develop vaginitis which can cause severe itching.

Fleas often bite or are found at the base of the tail - where the tail attaches to the body.

Sometimes, a dog will refuse food when it's quite warm, but I've never known one to lick from the heat.

If this condition continues, having your dog examined by your vet the remedy. If your dog has a uterine infection (pyometra), you should know that is a very serious condition. Pyometra can be fatal if it not treated. Then again, if your dog is spayed, she wouldn't have a uterine infection. You see why you need a vet, and not seek advice from somebody who's never seen your dog?!

Best of luck,