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dog wakes too early....

19 13:53:16

My 5yr old cocker wakes up at 5:15am like clockwork. No matter how late we take him out the night before.  I know he doesn't have to go to the bathroom, think he knows he will get fed in the am.  This is a huge problem on the weekends b/c we can never sleep in. Have tried ignoring, even scolding, but he continues till we let him out then feed him. Is quiet after that, after our sleep is ruined.  Please help.

Hello Steph, you are right he has an internal alarm clock that says feed me.  I know it can be hard to break this habit, you might try putting him in another room where if he wakes up and you are not there to comply with him he will just simply give up and lie back down.  Keep in mind it should also be an area that you can also put paper down just in case he really does have to go to the bathroom.  I also hope you have a room that is far away so that any whinning won't bother your weekend sleep. This might help to change his internal alarm clock.  I hope this suggestion works for you.  Thanks for asking, Cindy Lou :)