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Elevated ALP in my mini schnauzer

19 13:37:46

On Monday, we had yearly young dog blood work done on our male 2 year old schnauzer and our female 3 year old schnauzer.  Today the vet called and told us the male was fine but the females ALP level was 678 and should be between 5-107.  We are going back in on Monday for a Bile Acid Test.  I was freaking out on the phone and didn't really pay attention to what it could be that the problem is.  The vet said he couldn't really tell me anything until after the Bile Acid test.  I just want to know what is likely wrong with my dog's liver and how to fix it??  Thanks for any help.

I'm assuming you mean ALT instead of ALP.  ALT is an enzyme released by the liver, and an increased ALT can mean that the liver is damaged or not working properly.  The reason for the bile acids test is probably to see if the ALT value was accurate or if there was a problem with the sample.  Bile acids are also produced in the liver and this test helps evaluate if the liver is working properly.  ALT is not an accurate way of measuring the actual functionality of the liver, hence the bile acids test.  This is also the reason your vet cannot tell you exactly what the problem is as of yet.  It could be anything form hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver) to cancer.  Your vet will be able to tell you more once the results come back.
