Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > daschund has big bumps on his belly and nose looks a little swollen in spots

daschund has big bumps on his belly and nose looks a little swollen in spots

19 10:45:53

My dashchund is almost 3 years old and he has had fleas and we are consistently working on getting that under control but just this morning I have noticed that his nose is puffy blotchy and under his belly he has several good size bumps and I can't afford to get him to the vet right now and if anybody has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it....I am extremely worried.  Thanks alot

Hi Billie,

Thank you for writing to me.  It sounds like your dashchund has a flea allergy or allergy to what you've been using to treat the fleas.

Give him an oatmeal bath in warm, not hot, water.  Then give him some baby benedryl, according to his weight.

For fleas..vacuum, vacuum, vacuum..throw the bags out immediately.  Then get some 20 mule team borax from the supermarket and fill a pail with hot water, put a bunch of the borax in and throw it all over the floor..then sponge mop it into the floors.  Same with carpets.  You can use a borax liquid in a spray bottle to spray the walls and upolstery.

Do not use poison, flea collars or other toxic substances.  

Be sure to give me an update.

Shelley Davis