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Tethering for training

19 9:24:16

We have a 1 year old Terrier, and he is fearful due to lack of socialization. I have been checking into tethering him to my waist so he can get use to me and what is expected of him. He tends to use flight when approached, and hate to see him spend the rest of his life in flight mode. He hasn't been trained as of yet, and we are working on that. Do you have any input or suggestions or even know of good books on this subject? Have you used this method for fearful/shy dogs? I just want to be sure we don't do somethingt that will have a reverse effect on him.

Hi Elizabeth,
I actually had the same problem with a terrier of mine.  My dog had gotten to the point that she would hide under things and if anyone went near her she would bite them.  She was a full fledged fear biter. I started taking her to obedience classes, where she learned what sit stay, down and heel meant.
While she was distracted by the learning, she started to become more comfortable with the class of other people and dogs.  However, if a stranger came in she was aggressive again and afraid.  So I signed her up two more times.  This way she got to know people in a controlled area and with controlled dogs and people.  Since I had taught her these obedience commands, I also signed her up for an agility class.  She got used to people and other dogs in the training classes and she had her confidence built up in the agility classes.  I am happy to say that she is now totally friendly on leash.  She still has a little trouble off leash at my house, but not off leash out in public.  I don't mind her aggressiveness on my property so I haven't addressed that, but if I did want to address this, each time someone came to the door, I would put her on her leash and introduce her to everyone.  Since I live in the woods, we are ok.
One thing I had in my favor that you don't, is that I always owned her.  But your dog will get used to you and trust you as soon as you start to train her.  If she is too afraid to accept treats from you, go buy some liverwurst and try that.  It is almost irresistible to dogs.