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destroying the fence in order to escape

19 14:03:05

We have a one year old male boxer.  He is a great dog when we are around but when we leave to work he will tear up the fence in order to escape and go run.  We are constantly repairing the fence but we are afraid he will be stolen.  When we take him outside we have to make sure he is on a leash or he will take off as well.  I think part of his problem is he is bored and needs to be social, we have tried taking him to the neighbors to play with their dog but he broke their fence as well.  Would getting a female boxer calm him and help him stay in the yard or are we going to have to resort to an electric fence (which I feel is inhumane)?  HE has been taken once and someone really beat him, we are afraid if this keeps up it could happen again.

I can certainly understand your fears.
So much can happen to them when they get out on the loose.
Have you thought of a wire kennel run to keep him in when you are away?
You can get them at Home Depot and other home improvement stores. They come in sections of chain link fencing 6 to 8 ft. high, and varried widths and lengths.
I would recommend you put one in . you would be at peace when you are at work, and he would be safe.
Has he been neutered? I don't think it would matter if you got a femal or another male, especially if they are both neutered.
If you do not have such a highly bred animal that spaying and neutering would deby the breed improvement, then I would recommend neutering him, and another male you got, or a female you got. It inproves their chance for good health and longer life.
Actually, neutering him should help with the escapeing problem.
He may be picking up scents of females in season.
He could just be answering nature's normal calls.
Neutering and spaying usually helps to some measure when they are running off.
go look at this site, read about the animal massages and what you can do with them.
I have used massage with a great deal of success in helping with training, and solving behavior problems.