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brain tumour

19 9:51:30

QUESTION: i had my jack russell, oliver put down yesterday he was 14. i could not afford a mri scan which the vet recomended. the vet said he had all the signs of a brain tumor.he was walking around in circles, twitching above the eye,his tongue one one side went a different colour back in march.he had a fit on wednesday afternoon.would a mri scan make any difference to the outcome? i feel guilty i could not do this for him

ANSWER: I am so sorry to hear about your dog.

Here is how I see it. Your dog had a good, long life... although it is never long enough for those of us who love our dogs. Yes, it would have been nice to confirm the existence of a brain tumor, but the result would have still been the same. The dog would have had to be put down anyway... or have both of you suffer much, much more as he worsened each day in front of you.

What you did was one last true act of love for Oiver. Do not feel guilty about that.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi karen thanks for your kind words.
does the above signs that i put above i.e walking around in circles etc, could these be related to something other then a brian tumor? i know it is hard to tell from a distance.

I have to say that I am not a veterinarian, so you must rely on what your veterinarian told you. He/she is the one who is educated in these things and was able to examine the dog. The fact that your dog was starting to have seizures tells me that your vet is probably correct in this, and those seizures would have only increased in frequency as the tumor grew, making life for both you and your dog totally miserable.

Just let it be, and stop beating yourself up over this; you did the right thing. Your dog knows he was loved.