Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > My dog is not being active and he is only a 1 1/2 yrs old

My dog is not being active and he is only a 1 1/2 yrs old

19 9:40:23

I have 2 dogs and they are both active. I have been away for almost 4 days and i just got back. One of them wont do anything. he can walk but he is just laying and kind of breathing heavy. I don't know if he ate something or got bitten. can you help?? ( He is an outside dog)


Hi Karisa,

If you suspect your dog is having a medical problem, call your veterinarian, do not wait for a response from an Internet help line. Most vet offices either have a doctor on call after regular business hours, or has an out going message with instructions for what to if emergancy treatment is needed.

Best of luck,
