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dogs disgusting behaviour

19 14:06:01

Rolo is 16wks old now, he is a beautiful choc lab who catches everyones eye. Apart from the fine tuning in his normal puppy behaviour hes adorable, well he was until we discovered him eating his own feaces urgh! The problem is its effecting how we see him now as a dog, my husband can barely look at him. I read that "cheyne" pepper could help? If so could you please advise me where to get this from, and to how i use it. We really need to get him out of this as its causing a very uncomfortable feeling around the household. Please help, many thanks D. Stead

All puppies eat thier feaces when they are young, but grow out of it as they get older. You can use cayenne pepper to stop your dog's behavior by simply pouring some of it on the feaces. You can buy cayenne pepper from any grocery store. Some dogs eat thier own feaces becuase thier tummy aches, so you may want to change your dog's food brand, unless you trust that the brand is good. Other than cayenne pepper, you may want to buy dog treats that clean a dog's motuh from bacteria, and giving him the treats so you can feel that his mouth is cleaner.
Good luck...