Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > anuls


19 10:37:02

QUESTION: hi, i have a jack russell terrier, she is dragging her bum
on the floor, i have had her to the vet who said her anuls
were clear, i have wormed her twice yet she still does it,
can you possibly tell me what to do next to help her.

ANSWER: Anita-

If her anals are not impacted, normally we say worms. Specifically, tape worms. What wormer are you using? The stuff over the counter usually wont get rid of the harder worms like tapes. You need Drontal, from the vets- did the vet do a fecal to check for worms?

Otherwise, she may have a urinary tract infection and is actually dragging her vulva across the floor- did the vet check her for a UTI? How are her bathroom habits?

I hope she feels better!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi. thanks for your reply, i got the first worm tablet
from the vet, dont know what it was, the second i got from
the pet shop, i dont think the vet tested for anything,
she just said the anuls were clear.

You may want to call your vet and ask if the pill was Drontal, or if it was something else like a strongid based wormer. Drontal will kill tapes. If she was given drontal, and a strongid based wormer, then she shouldn't have worms. If that's the case, I would bring her back to the vets to look for an infection.

Good luck!