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bichon licking

19 11:35:43

Hi Charlotte,
I have a 5 year old bichon frise who I have owned since he was a puppy. He is a fantastic dog and perfect in every way, except for the fact that he licks compulsively. This is no huge problem (though slightly annoying) I am simply curious if you have any idea what could be causing this. I have heard of Bichons licking a lot, so I am wondering if it is breed specific? He gets out plenty and seems very content and happy so I don't think its frustration or boredom. It seems like it has gotten worse with age. He now licks the air constantly, will sit licking spots on the coach for hours, and of course looovvveeess to lick people.  Just curious if you have any ideas about this, or if you have heard of it before.

Very strange.  No I can't say I have heard of it.  

I am stubbed,  sorry,  I wish I knew.  As long as it's not a problem I guess. You could get stuck with a LOT worse. LOL You should see some of these questions I get.  LOL  :-)

My dog also licks spots on the couch, and also the carpet. With her it's usually boredom, or she needs some water, and mummy (me) forgot to refill her bowl.

I suppose it is possible that he has just got into the habit of doing this,  the way some people will bite their lips, or lick their lips, Im constantly trying to push my glasses up (I stopped wearing them 2 years ago!!  :-) and yet I am so used to it, I still do it.

Sorry I couldn't really help you,  you could just look at it as individuality and a little quirk your dog has.