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19 10:00:47

Hi, I have a 10 1/2 year old German Shepherd. He's always had sensitive skin. We've learned that the best thing for him is Brewers Yeast and Wellness Dog food but recently I've noticed on his back legs he has some hair loss, kind of purplish/reddish area and then this afternoon I discovered a small place (less than 1/2 inch) that's a little pussy. What kind of remedy can I use over this long holiday weekend until my vet is in on Tuesday to give him some relief? I've tried some warm water on a facecloth to try and clean it up but I'm just worried. It does not seem to be sensitive at all to him but I don't want it getting worse. Please advise.


Hi Lisa,

The best thing you can do for your dog until he can be seen by your vet, is what you've already done. Keep the infected area clean. Wash the infected area with warm soapy water, dry it well, and apply an antibiotic ointment, such as Neosporin or Bactine, to the lesion. If the infection looks particually nasty, you could apply hot compresses (not too hot so it burns!), soaking a clean wash cloth in warm water, and allowing the abscess to drain the pus. Clean up with soap and water, and apply the antibiotic ointment. You can do this twice a day.

You vet will assess the reason for the hair loss, it might be hormonal or thyroid related. The doctor might prescribe an antibiotic, if your dog is found to have a bacterial skin infection.

Even though your vet's office is closed, many veterinary clinics have a doctor on call, or an answering service on duty that could refer you to an emergency clinic that's open over the holiday. That's also an option if it gives you peace of mind.

Best of luck,