Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Seizure


19 10:53:48

My dog is a german shepard/rotti mix 2 years old, about a month ago she had a seizure in the night. Since we have been giving her "table scraps" we thought that is what could of caused it, so we stopped at together and all she got was a treat here and there and her food. Last night she had another one. This time the day afterward her pee was green and very slimy, i know i  should take her to the vet, and i plan to do so. I ws just wondering if you could tell me possibly what this is and how serious. Thanks.

What you're feeding her is not likely causing her seizures.They're caused by many health issues and unfortunately, most of them are serious. Please let me know what she is diagnosed with. It could be many things epilepsy,neurological problems, which can be caused from many many things. Even a high fever can cause a seizure.
I'm so sorry