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My 4 yr old Shitsu seems depressed

19 9:18:55

I own a 4yr old Shiatsu. It's my daughter's dog. She recently got hr own apt in a basement. He It's been over 3 months now and she says he's extremely depressed. doesn't want to sleep on her bed anymore. Doesn't want to play. Just lays there. She's considering giving him back to me to see what happens. he always had people around. my husband is retired. Me when I get home from work as well as my son. Do you think he may be depressed?

Hi Linda,

Yes, sounds like he is.  Dogs do get depressed when things change, especially when left alone or move to a new surrounding.  Perhaps you can take him sometimes so he feels he can always go back to his old house.  

Also, you may want to think about putting him on a supplement that helps with these things.  I recommend NuVet Plus. is their website.
