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Please help!!!!!!!

19 10:24:49

Please help! I have a 9 wk old puupy who got his 1st shots and dewormer last week and he seemed to be doing fine! But then today he Has the diarea and wont eat or drink what do i do? Whats wrong with him? He just keeps laying down!


a 9 week old puppy that has diarrhea, is lethargic, and isn't eating or drinking, is a prime candidate for a parvo test. IMMEDIATELY. If he does have parvo, early diagnosis is the key to saving his life. It takes three parvo vaccines to even begin to build up a response to it, so his first shots really aren't protecting him from anything, its just beginning to build the response.

It could be anything, but when a puppy stops eating and drinking and has loose stools, a vet check is the next immediate step. As your vet if they carry snap parvo tests.

Good luck, and I really hope he feels better!