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Clipper Blade sharpening

19 14:12:16

Thanks again Cindy lou!  Okay, I have one last (and hopefully final) question to ask of you.  Odor.  Even after bathing my Shih Tzus, they still don't smell very good.  Is there a product that you can recommend that will REALLY get rid of dog odor?  They are inside/outside dogs, so this may contribute to the smell, but I think that I'd keep them inside more if they smelled better ;-)   

Thanks again!

Followup To
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Hi again Cindy lou and thanks for your answer!  I will definitely try the oil and wash treatment for my existing blades.  But how often should blades need to be sharpened if ever?  I've been using the same 3 blades now for several grooming sessions (at least two dozen) and am wondering when I'll need to either invest in more blades or have my current blades sharpened.

Thanks again!
Followup To
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Hi there!  I have 3 sets of clipper blades that I trade out while grooming my Shih Tzu's and boy do they get hot quickly (and I do use Kool-Lube on them)!  Anyway, I'm wondering if I'm better off having my existing blades sent off to be sharpened or if I should simply buy new blades all together.  Your advice is greatly appreciated!

Answer -
Hello Jeanie,  If your blades are getting hot quickly, but still cutting the hair then they do not need to be sent off for sharpening.  Using Kool-lube will effectively cool the blade off temperarly, however, what it also does is dry out the blades.  So you may need to use clipper oil on the blades.  After each grooming to properly care for your blades use blade wash, this will also make a what appears to be a dull blade cut again, then treat the blade with clipper oil.  You use both the blade wash and clipper oil while the clipper is on and the blade is active.  the blade wash removes any hairs in between the blades and the oil lubricates the metal.  Try this first.  Do not oil the blade and then use on a clean dog.  Oil before you begin clipping on dirty hair and don't go overboard with the oil use just enough to get the oil in between the blades.  Also blades can be sharpened many times before you need to replace them.  Good Luck, Cindy lou :)
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Ok Jeanie, Let me put it to you this way if it works don't fix it.  That may be a little general, basicly if the blade is going through the hair smoothly, not catching or jamming up then it's still good.  Jamming up, not cutting, is the best indication that the blade needs sharpening.  If your dog is mostly clean when you clip it and if your dog rarely has matts then you could go 50 groomings before you need to sharpen them.  The blades you use on the body area will need to be sharpened more ofen because this is the hair more likely to be matted or dirty.  Blades that you use on the private area and around the eyes will not need to be sharpened as often.  I average 30 to 40 dogs a week and sharpen my blades approximately every 3 to 4 months if that gives you any indication.  I also prefer and only use the Oster blades.  I do not like the ceramic blades at all.  And I only purchase the straight blades not the "F" for finishing blades.  The only F blade I use is the 7F because the straight 7 has way to sharp of edges.  The straight blades tend to stay sharper longer and give you a cleaner cut.  I hope this helps.  Feel free to any again if you need to.  Thanks, Cindy lou :)

No problem Jeanie, My favorite shampoo for odor control is Fresh and Clean products.  You can find them in most pet stores or use this website for great deals on all pet products.  This is where I buy all my items.    If your shih tzu's are like most they have some alergy problems this time of year and tend to lick certain areas.  If this is so for yours then you may also need an antifungal shampoo like chlorahexaderm to kill any allergy fungus to stop that odor.  Skin problems can make any dog smell.  The Fresh and Clean shampoos tend to leave a lingering fresh smell for at least a week.  Take Care, Cindy Lou :)