Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > 6 year old cockapoo male suddenly urinating on bed

6 year old cockapoo male suddenly urinating on bed

19 11:44:13

My cockapoo BUDDY -- is a bit high strung -- whines a lot -- we have to
limit his  movement throughout the house -- we've always had problems with
him urinating in the house -- replaced several rugs in the living room -- for
the past two years he has been doing well -- this morning however after he
was let out to urinate -- I took a shower -- and then discovered he had
urinated on my bed -- he does display agressive behavior towards myself and
husband under certain situations

Hi Cindee;
He didn't just urinate ion the bed, he marked it as HIS territory.
Whay has this little would-be dictator gotten away with urinating in the house for this long?
He has been pretty much running things his way so far, and he just decided to take it to the next level, and assume his throne.
He needs to be taken to obedience training, and you need a group class, where a trainer teaches, and the owners handle the dogs.
He needs to find out who is alpha in that house. So far, it has been him. He needs to learn it is you and your husband.
The trainer will teach you how to get control of your place as the alpha male and female, and show him his place is just the little kid that has to mind.