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Adult Dog Rebellion

19 11:34:18

I have a little dog (Pomeranian, Poodle, Sheltie mix), a 9 month old son, and my wife and I are gone from the house for about 10 hours for work.  No matter how much attention we give the dog, she still seems to go to the bathroom in the house, while were home, when were gone, upstairs she urinates, downstairs she does both.  I don't know if she is that jealous of our son, or what, if you have any direction please let me know?

10 hours is too long for a small dog to hold it.   Put puppy pads down for her to use during the day,  also do not let her have access to all the house until she is housebroken.  confine her to a space where she can be watched and corrected.   OR  put her on leash and put the leash on your belt so she is constantly with you when you are home