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Dog Ear Infection from Water.

19 9:24:01

My dog seems to have had water in the ear which is now giving him grief, but I am wondering wether the grief is caused by my other dog licking his in ear and making it moist?
Is my dog helping the other or making the ear worse. I can't get near him to put the drops in his ears. Any suggestions on that one.

Hi Sue,

Thanks for writing to me about your dog's ear infection.  It is unlikely that your dog gave the other an ear infection.  What would make more sense to me is that your dog was trying to heal the infection the same way that dogs lick their wounds.  He could probably smell the infection coming on and was trying to be a good brother and heal it.  Just don't let it become a behavioral habit long term!!! :(

The best way to put the meds in your dog's ear is to get someone to distract your dog with a yummy treat while you apply the drops.

Best of luck.
Shelley Davis

Dear Sue,

I'm sorry that you haven't found the information I provided to be of any help.  

1- You wanted to know if one dog gave the other dog an ear infection that is water in the ear. I answered that I don't think it did.  I answered your question very clearly.

2-You next wanted to know how to give drops to your dog who is hurting so much that he doesn't want to be touched. I suggested that you seek help in distracting him.  When his ear starts to feel better he will allow you to touch it again.  

I have been in exactly the same situation and by using treats as a distraction, I was able to get drops into her ear.

Again, I'm sorry that you don't like my answers but I wonder if you even bothered to try using this technique?  Otherwise you will have to bring your dog to the vet and have them administer the drops for you if you can't do it by yourself.
