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needy dog

19 10:36:15

my dog famous is a mix breed. i got him when he was six months old. crate trained him and as usual the dog hated being locked up but grew into it! He WILL not use the potty in the house. hes a year and a half now but everytime i leave him out when im gone he tears everything up.. he knows hes in trouble when i get home is what i dont understand! when i lock him up he has a fit in the cage to get to me.. seems he cant stand to not be by my side anytime... which is good in a dog but i hate lockin him up while im working but cant have hime keep tearing everything up. hes a very smart dog.. know to sit lay roll over and speak... knows what NO means. and knows GO TO YOUR ROOM... please help

What you might want to try is a natural product called 'rescue remedy' and can be bought at most health food stores and what you do is put a few drops in the water or on a cracker.And that often calms them down.

If that doesn't seem to work he might need medication from your vet,but only give the dose and drug your vet gives him.Vets often use prozac for dogs with separation anxiety.But try the rescue remedy for a bit and see how that goes first