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miniature schnauzer scratching

19 10:38:27


Our dog has just turned 2 and recently started
scratching and chewing until the hair is gone and
sometimes makes sores on his chest and around his tail.
I asked the vet and he gave some medicated shampoo
but it hasen't done any good. he doesn't have fleas or
flakey skin. I dont know what else to try. help!!!!

Is that the best that your vet can do??? I think it is time to find a different veterinarian who can give you a proper diagnosis. You need to know WHY your dog is itching before you can find a solution.

This could be due to parasites, but apparently he did eliminate the possibility of fleas or mange. Hypothyroidism can also cause itching, as can allergies or a bacterial skin infection.

Itching could also be due to a poor-quality diet. Be sure you are feeding a quality food such as Eagle, Canidae, Wellness, or Solid Gold. The first ingredient should be a meat protein, or preferably a meat meal, and there should be NO by-products in the food, with a minimum of grains.