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Stubborn Cockapoo

19 13:48:53

8 Days ago I rescued a cockapoo from this home that was filthy.  The dog had earmites and fleas very badly.  First, the fleas are gone thanks to a good flea dip and Frontline.  The earmites are still present but not as bad. We are still using the cleaning pads and earmite med.  My question to you is that being that he is 6 mo old and not housebroken (he was crate trained) is there hope. He also seems overly hyper.  I need help!

of course there is help... what you can do and the best thing that i have tried is to get a harness for the dog because it is easier to train with a harness.. they get like  a training clicker... i have used thouse and they work really great.. or if he is all updated with shots take him to obedience school..

dont just place food down.. feed 1 cup in morning and 1 cup in afternoon or whatever schedule that he wants to eat at... then if he doesnt eat it all put it up. the go to the bathroom 30-45 minuts after they eat.. if you have a fenced in yard let him out there.. if you dont get a long lead and put him on the lead for 10-15 minutes.. (thats what i do with my pitt puppy) so he can go to the bathroom... he will get to where he will sit by the door and ask you to go out... now if he poops in the house scold him and put him on the lead..

if you want to crate him at night feel free... or if you wwant him to sleep with you.. the 1st thing you do in the moring and before bed is take him out to potty...

it is real simple just takes a while...

hopefully i helped