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My Boxer suddenly reduced in take of food in this summer?

19 11:51:05

My hyper active ,energetic pet boxer is showing disinterested in having food these days ,eating giving this favorite food like milk,meat.
He is perfectly & with good bowel but doesn't seems to put on any weight kindly explain & please help with good Tips

Hi Promodh;
You don't give me any information like how old he is, what the temperature is there, anything like that.
It could be just hot weather, or there could be somethng physically wrong.
Check with your Veterinarian about what you are feeding him.
Generally dogs are not given milk after they are weaned.
Cow's milk tends to constipate them or give them diarrhea.
Meat alone is also not good.
A well balanced pet food is much better.
It is better to be safe than sorry, so I would advise taking him in for a checkup with his Veterinarian.