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puppy penile discharge called smegma;

19 9:24:59

my pup is 10 months old and I've just noticed a small amount of light colored discharge coming from his penis, i think this is normal but he seems to be licking himself a lot more than normal and I'm just wanting to know your thoughts and if i should take him to the vet?

Hi Nita, Yes, this discharge is very normal.  ... Don't worry about it.

The discharge is most likely smegma, a normal preputial dischage of mucoid glycoproteins and dead epithelial cells.
Ask your vet for further details.

Just clean him with a baby wipe ( the kind for human babies is fine)..

If the dischage is yellow that is ok, too.
When you see any greenish dischange, then you need to make a trip to the vet.


Good luck

Marie Peppers LPN MA