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birthmarks on puppies

19 11:51:12

QUESTION: My Yorkie has a brown spot on her stomach and it just appeared this week. It started out light and got darker. Can you tell me if dogs can have birthmarks?  She is only 4 months old. Thank you for your help!
ANSWER: Hi Kely;
It could just be a bitrhmark or a color spot.
Watch it, and if it doesn't start to look like a mole and get soft or looks like it is something besides just a spot, don't worry.
Just keep an eye on it, and if it looks like it needs to be checked further, take her to her doctor and have him/her look at it.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your response. The spot that was on her belly has peeled off. Some of it is still there, but for the most part it has come off. There is nothing underneath of it. It is the same color as her belly. It's almost like it was a scab but she was never hurt. I am not gonna worry about it unless she starts to get more of them. Thank you again.

Hi Kelly;
It could have been a little scab from a scratch.
Maybe her tummy was itching and she scratched it, and it made a little scab.
Just watch closely.
A lot of dogs are allergic to flea bites, and just one bite can kick up a reaction to the allergin.
They will get a little scratch from rubbing their tummy on carpet or something else that scratches it for them, and it can get a thin little scab over it.
Or they can get a little scratch that maybe doesn't cut deep enough to bleed and be noticed, but a little serum will come to the skin surface to heal it, and make a scab.
Maybe she is just a little tomboy and plays too rough. LOL
I'm glad she is ok.
Write anytime I can help you.