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Dogs Nail Color

19 14:08:36

I have adopted a Tibetan Terrier, 15 months old. One has two black nails on her front paws. Is this a problem? Although, I have never seen her lick her toes, the color of her white hair in the area is browned.

Hello Jodi, It is normal for some dogs to have black and or white nails.  The black ones make it a little more tricky when it comes to clipping.  Use the white nails to judge how much to take off the black nails.  Meaning...Clip the white nails where you can see the quick/blood line and then take off the same amount when clipping the black nails.  The growth should be the same.  Always have quick stop on hand just in case you bleed a nail.  As for the discoloration of the white hair around the paws.  This only happens when a dog licks their paws.  The saliva mixes with the chemistry of the body and turns the fur that reddish brown color.  So she is licking, your just not catching her doing it.  But this will have nothing to do with the color of the nails, only the fur around them.  She might have an alergy going on around her paws and that is why she is licking. Check with your vet on that one.  I hope this helps.  Cindy lou :)