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pit bull, 1st litter, too big for box

19 13:33:22

i am the foster parent for Taylor, she got pregnant the first time she came in to heat, i think it was a smaller dog though, i have her semi-isolated her with her toys and water but don't have a big box for her, her milk has dropped considerably, but her water hasn't broken, i've never helped deliver her size, we had weenie dogs, but the father helped a little on her first litter, so i guess i just need to general guide lines, what am i forgetting? thanks  karen  

Do you know about when she is expected to deliver, Karen? Usually, the bitch's rectal temperature will drop to around 99 degrees Fahrenheit within 24 hours of whelping.

Do you have any sort of whelping box or anything set up for her? A small plastic child's pool works well, if you have one of those. Line the bottom with plenty of newspapers because as you know, you'll have to clean it out after the puppies are born. Put a few towels on top of the newspapers to make cleanup easier.

Since she is a first-time mother, and so young, you need to be there when she whelps in case anything goes wrong. You should not intervene unless she is in distress, though. She should deliver the baby, lick it to stimulate it to breathe and bite off the umbilical cord and eat the placenta. If you want, you can help each puppy to a teat if they are having trouble getting there on their own.

If you are worried or confused, PLEASE call your vet or the emergency vet if it's after hours.

I hope that Taylor is scheduled to be spayed when this litter is weaned.  Poor thing, having babies when she's only a baby herself. :^(