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my dogs nauseating odor

19 10:30:36

My dog is a golden Retriever and Mountain Dog mix.  Lately he has had an odor that smells like a combination of poop and vomit.  It is very, very strong and smells up the entire house. The vet thought it may be his anal glands, but it wasn't.  He expressed them, there was hardly anything, and the smell was no better.  We have bathed him in anti skunk formula shampoo but nothing has helped.  His breath and ears do not smell.  It's an odor that exudes from his body.  But we can't figure out where.  Please help

Now that is an unpleasant "visual". Uff-da!

Did the vet check his skin for some sort of bacterial infection?

Possibly he has rolled in something quite dead and foul. I would shampoo him again a couple times. Then mix 1 quart of fresh hydrogen peroxide with 1/4 cup of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap, such as Dawn which is a good degreaser. Wash the dog immediately with this mixture, leave it on for at least 5 minutes or until the odor is gone, then rinse. You may need to repeat this. This homemade recipe is for skunk odor, but it might work on dead smell, too.