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Shih Tzu house breaking

19 14:24:08

Hi Crystal,

We own a nine month old male Shih Tsu and are having a hell of a time with him defecating in our house rather than outside.

We currently make food/water available for feed him 2-3 times per day for 30 minutes at a time (usually when we eat).

He goes outside for his "hurry-ups" at least 3-4 times per day.

BUT....he will NOT communicate in any way that he needs to go. He will just disappear for a little bit, do his business on the carpet and then we find it.

HELP - we need help to teach him to communicate to us when he needs to go
    - we need help to know how to discipline him when he makes his messes

Thanks for you time.

Hi Mike!  Sounds like a common problem you are having.  A lot of new puppy owners will allow their new family member to have free roam of the home.  I would use a method called Crate training.  What you do is purchase a medium sized kennel.  At night when you sleep, you need to place your pup in the kennel.  When you wake in the morning, you pick the pup up and carry it outside to potty.  Do not allow him to walk out because he will potty before he gets out.  When he learns what he has to do each morning, then you can allow him to walk out.  If he potties as he is suppose to, then you allow him free time to play in the house and be sure to praise him when he potties outside.  After about an hour of play, he needs to go back into his crate.  Repeat this process throughout the day.  It might take a while but he will learn.  You can't allow him to run free in your home without someone watching him at all times until he is potty trained.  Reason being, he will just hide to potty or wait till you aren't looking.  If you have further questions about this please don't hesitate to ask.  Also, I should warn you ahead of time that he is going to cry and bark when you put him in the crate at first.  You should not show him any attention when he does this or it will make him think it is ok to do it.  You should ignore him when he is being loud and noisey and praise him when he is quiet.  When you open his kennel to carry him out, you can praise him if he hasn't pottied inside.  You can also buy belly bands for when he is loose in your home.