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My 7 year old lab keeps attacking my 7 week old puppy lab

19 11:15:36

Please help, i dont know what to do
My older lab keeps biting the puppy. First time he bit him
right near the eye and now the puppy has a huge scar.
Second time he really got him, he ripped puppy's nose and his cheek, we had to go to vet emergency to get his stiched up. Both attacks happened in the kitchen, first one with me in it and second with my husband. We were getting ready for dinner both times. Older lab constantly growls at the puppy and tries to grab him. We keep telling him no. The older lab was a wonderful, loving dog, he was my lap dog, very affectionate, but he just does not like the puppy and i have tried to ignore him when he barks at the puppy - i have tried not to get involved as some websits suggested, i have tried to play with both at the same time and the older does not want to, I dont know what to do, i am just desperate.

Frankly, some dogs just do not get along well with puppies. I think you should return the puppy before your male kills him.

That bit about ignoring dog interaction has to do with two dogs settling their dominance issues on their own. It does not apply to an adult dog trying to kill a baby. Not too long ago here one of my adult males went after one of the puppies here, and he had it down on its back screaming. I bellowed at the dog, and before I could get up, one of the more dominant dogs here laid into that male and beat the snot out of him as the puppy scrambled for safety. Finn had Wally on his back and stood stock-still over him for the longest time until I told him to let him back up. Even dogs know when something is wrong and will step in to correct it.

In this instance, ignoring is condoning. Either step in at the very first growl and give a severe correction (each and every time!) or get that puppy out of your house. And do be sure that the older dog is getting his share of attention.