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best breed for elderly man

19 14:03:46

My dad is a recent widower and is very much missing my mom and feeling lost. He has always been very much a dog lover although has not had a dog for years.  He lives in his own home with around the clock caregivers because he has moderate stage Alzheimer's.  He is a very kind and gentle man.  We are considering getting a small dog for him to love.  The caregivers would be responsible for the dog (walks, feeding, vet appointments, etc) I work in long term care and see how much joy the elderly residents feel when  visitors bring a dog in to visit.  
It would have to be a small breed, with a calm temperment, and  not much shedding.  What would you suggest?
Thanks so much

Hello Kath,  first of all I would not get a puppy.  Many rescue leagues have wonderful dogs that are already house trained  There are also rescue leagues that house the dogs in their homes instead of a pound, this is preferred because they would know the dogs temperment and whether it is potty trained or not.  And keep in mind that dogs with hair that doesn't shed need haircuts.  Some great small dogs are bichons, cockapoos, toy poodles, shih-tzu to name a few and then there are mixed breeds consisting of the before mentioned breeds.  Check out some local rescue chapters, many of which are on the internet or you local vet might have a list and see what they have.  Good luck, Thanks, Cindy lou :)