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Benadryl for a puppy

19 11:15:32

can we give our three month old puppy (20lb boxer) benadryl.  We belive she got in contact with something as we took her outside to do her daily business..

Hi Michael,

Thank you for writing to me about your 3 month old puppy.  

Dogs can be given Benadryl for allergic reactions to bug bites, etc but I wouldn't fool around with a 3 month old puppy.  Call your vet and ask for advice.  He should be available on an emergency basis to take your phone call.  

If all else fails, call the pharmacy or poison control or any emergency animal hospital.  Try the Animal Medical Center in NYC.  They may or may not give advice on the phone.  You can also call the Benedryl company but your best bet is your own vet.

Best Regards,
Shelley Davis